Tag: Customer Appreciation

Does your customer bake cakes to celebrate your win? Ours did!

All sorts of prose and literature are available on customer relationship management. But often, what binds and strengthens the relationship between a business and its customer is the experience imparted. A commitment to put the customer’s needs and requirements at the forefront of all efforts. And when the business gets it right, customers consider themselves as partners, a fellow of the inner circle, a member of the family. They share the joys and sorrows and become pillars of strength to the business, in times merry and morose.
And while it feels great to receive accolades from the industry, it feels extra special when our customers applaud our wins!
When we excitedly announced our win at the Small Enterprise Business Awards 2016 event, our customer community reverberated with cheers and congratulations. And our customer, Whitecaps International School of Pastry, made our victory sweeter by toasting us with an assortment of delicious Raspberry Pastries and divine chocolates.
Whitecaps customer

We were exhilarated when we won the awards. And now we stand overjoyed at the fact that, we have won not just awards, but also our customers’ hearts. Our many thanks to Whitecaps International School of Pastry, for their constant support and encouragement in all our endeavors, and of course the delectable desserts! We stand committed to our mission of helping businesses respond with agility and provide superior customer experience. This is just the beginning and these are tiny steps on our march to scale the summits we have marked.

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