Category: CRM

AgilizTech’s Customizations for Creatio (formerly bpm’online) – Conditionally Hide/Show Fields in bpm’online mobile app

In the second post of this series, we will be exploring a way to achieve conditional visibility of fields in the  sales Creatio enterprise edition mobile app.

Let us take a scenario where the Sales Manager is approving an order in the mobile app. As per business rule, once the Manager has approved the order, he should not be able to reject it. Currently, for approval purpose, ‘Order approvals’ detail is added in ‘order section’ in mobile app. The app allows manager to choose appropriate status in this detail (‘Approved’ or ‘Rejected’). By default, the status will be ‘To Set’. App allows manager to choose ‘Approved’ or ‘Rejected’ status, even after the order has been approved or rejected, which is incorrect as per business rule.

Creatio                               Creatio

We can correct this workflow by hiding the ‘order approval’ status option once the order has been approved/rejected.

Here are the steps to achieve this:
1. In the System Designer, navigate to Advanced Settings and select Configuration.

2. Here, in Custom Package, select the Mobile App Workplace, where you want the change to be in effect (here we have mentioned default workplace; if you have created a separate workplace for approvals, select the same).

For example, Custom package > MobileApplicationManifestDefaultWorkplace

3. Mention the visibility Module name in the object’s Page Extensions Section.

For Example:
UsrOrderMobileBusinessRules – If this is the business rule created for hiding the columns, then mention this name in Model > Object’s Page Extension section.

Here’s the code:

“Models”: {
“Order”: { {
“RequiredModels”: [
“ModelExtensions”: [],
“PagesExtensions”: [
” UsrOrderMobileBusinessRules “, // Module Name
//As we are hiding the ‘OrderVisa’ Status Field in the order screen, the OrderVisa Object is             //also required. In the Model Extension, we have also given VisaStatus Object as this is a              //lookup table for OrderVisa table’s Status field.
“ModelExtensions”: [
“PagesExtensions”: []


In the UsrOrderMobileBusinessRules module, write the business event for visibility.


The code is as given:

ruleType: Terrasoft.RuleTypes.Visibility,
conditionalColumns: [
{name: “Status” , value: “3462594d-77a7-4b0a-874a-6d8b54b293bc”}
triggeredByColumns: [ “Status” ] ,
dependentColumnNames: [ “Status” ]


Here we are displaying Status field, if the status is ‘To Set’. In case of the other two statuses, (i.e. ‘Approved’ & ‘Rejected’) the ‘Order Approval’ detail, with ‘Status’ field will be hidden, which will stop the manager from changing the status of an approved order to rejected or vice-versa.
The ID value of ‘status’ is hard coded in the above code. The ID value may be different in different instances; hence the value should be cross verified while using this code snippet.

Click here to navigate to the main blog post which contains the complete list of Creatio (formerly bpm’online) customization use cases.

AgilizTech customization for Creatio (formerly bpm’online) – Using Custom Section Filters to view records

This post is in the first of a series that discusses customization of Creatio (formerly bpm’online) for increased efficiency and productivity. In this post, we explore creation of custom section filters to view records.

As per the operational process, sales persons log orders coming from customers in Creatio (formerly bpm’online). These orders must be ‘Approved’ by the sales manager, only after which they will be processed further. By default, a ‘Status’ filter does not exist in the system. The custom filter is required to help the managers to quickly filter out the ‘Pending Approval’ orders from their order list.

Default Filters in a section:

CreatioAfter applying custom filters (order section – status field):



Steps to create section filters in bpm’online – Quick filter

Let’s now look at how we can create a custom filter in Sales Creatio Enterprise edition, v Here are the steps:

  1. In the Orders page, select open Section Wizard and save the wizard to create a new section page in ‘custom’ package for ‘orders’
      • i)Open ‘orders’ section wizard
      • Creatio
      • ii)Save wizard once


      • iii) New section will be created in custom package; edit this as mentioned in further steps

  2. In OrderSectionV2 Page (Configuration), place the below code snippet in the method block.
initFixedFiltersConfig: function() {
var fixedFilterConfig = {
entitySchema: this.entitySchema,
filters: [
name: “PeriodFilter”,
caption: this.get(“Resources.Strings.PeriodFilterCaption”),
dataValueType: this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.DATE,
startDate: {
columnName: “StartDate”,
defValue: this.Terrasoft.startOfWeek(new Date())
dueDate: {
columnName: “StartDate”,
defValue: this.Terrasoft.endOfWeek(new Date())
name: “Owner”,
caption: this.get(“Resources.Strings.OwnerFilterCaption”),
columnName: “Owner”,
defValue: this.Terrasoft.SysValue.CURRENT_USER_CONTACT,
dataValueType: this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,
name: “Status”,
columnName: “Status”,
caption: this.get(“Resources.Strings.StatusFilterCaption”),
appendCurrentContactMenuItem: false,
dataValueType: this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,
defValue : “1”,
addNewFilterCaption: this.get(“Resources.Strings.SelectStatusCaption”),
hint: this.get(“Resources.Strings.SelectStatusCaption”),
buttonImageConfig: this.get(“Resources.Images.StatusFilterImage”),
this.set(“FixedFilterConfig”, fixedFilterConfig);
  1. A default filter for Period, Owner & status is added. If you need to list the current user name in the filter (as in ‘owner’ filter), set “appendCurrentContactMenuItem” to true.


Click here to navigate to the main blog post which contains the complete list of bpm’online customization use cases.

Different ways Creatio (formerly bpm’online) can be customized for your business’ unique needs

Creatio (formerly bpm’online) is a global business software company leading in the space of business process automation and CRM. The company has been highly recognized as a market leader by key industry analysts. Its intelligent platform accelerates sales, marketing, service and operations for thousands of customers and hundreds of partners worldwide.

AgilizTech partners with bpm’online to deploy and implement advanced CRM solutions that helps organizations strengthen customer acquisition, retention, loyalty and advocacy strategies.

We work with clients to customize Creatio (formerly bpm’online) as per their unique organizational needs. In this series of blog posts, we will explore certain scenarios in which customization can be made to improve efficiency and increase productivity.

We will be adding blog posts for each of the use cases mentioned below in the coming weeks. Do stay tuned to learn how Creatio (formerly bpm’online) can be tailored to suit your unique organizational needs.

Use Case 1: Custom Section Filters to view records

Use Case 2: Conditionally Hide/Show Fields in app

Use Case 3: Disable Edit of Total Amount Field

Use Case 4: Enable Display of Active Products in System

Use Case 5: WordPress Landing Page Integration 

Update Access Rights For Accounts and Contacts

Coming soon….

Lead and Opportunity Turn Around Time (TAT) in Creatio


defining new normals in CRM - 4 trends in spotlight

Defining the new normal in CRM – 4 trends in the spotlight

Do you remember the times we used to go to our neighborhood mom and pop stores for some quick errands? The shopkeeper recognized and greeted us, enquired about our family’s well-being, offered the product we regularly bought, and if the product was unavailable at that moment, offered to deliver it at our house at no additional cost.

And he did that for all his regular customers.

An excellent way to establish rapport and nourish a healthy relationship with customers, through personalization.

That’s exactly what CRM is about in 2017, only businesses do it these days with the help of computers and internet, for millions of such customers. Today, customers not only knock business’ brick-and-mortar doors, but also, online – via social media, apps, websites, and the latest addition to the CRM kitty, chatbots.

What drives CRM in 2017?

Rise of the bots

Chatbots are perhaps the next big thing after apps. Every brand now has one in place – whether on its website or on social media sites such as Facebook Messenger. These bots act as lead generators, capturing customer queries and providing them quick information.

Here’s the Adidas Women UK Chatbot that promotes fitness among women and helps them book fitness sessions.


We spoke more about bots in our previous blogs, ‘Chatbots – a botched play or a game changer?’, and ‘Batman or Superman – What should your business’ chatbot be?

Smarter Mobile CRM

Mobile CRM is no longer just providing data on salesperson’s smartphones, online and offline. Some of the new features in Mobile CRM apps are:

  • Geolocation – Enables salesperson to identify which customers are in their vicinity, allowing them to drop by for quick, meaningful visits. This leads to effective usage of the salespersons work hours.
  • AI – Smart assistants pull customer data from their social profiles to glean a deeper understanding of customers. This helps the salesperson stay informed on the customer and personalize the pitch better.

Data-driven Personalization

Personalization is more than a “Hi *|FNAME|* ” in your mass mailers these days. Brands are leveraging machine learning to analyze customer data and identify patterns in behaviour. This helps them recommend the right products at the right time to the right customer.

For example, brands can use geofences to identify customers in store vicinity, pull their data from the CRM to analyze past purchases and push customized offer messages to their smartphones.

Leveraging Crowdsourcing

Business are deepening engagement with customers via crowdsourcing. Customers, ranging from various demographic segments are pulled together for surveys, polls, discussions, and online forums to provide feedback on new products, services and more. This helps customers feel more invested in the process, while it enables businesses to directly engage with customers and gain insights for their product roadmap.

A company that put crowdsourcing to good use is perhaps Lego Ideas. It is a website that acts as a forum for Lego fans to come together and suggest new Lego set ideas and designs. Have a look at their portal!

Lego Ideas - crowdsourcing

CRM has undergone a sea change in the last few years, and with technological advancements in AI and machine learning, the transformation will occur at an exponential rate. Businesses, globally, are recognizing the benefits of leveraging these advanced CRM features to create exceptional customer experiences, and widen mindshare as well as wallet share.


Automated CRM, powered by machine learning that helps your salespeople do what they do best. Score more deals. Contact AgilizTech to learn more.


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