3 Pschology Tips for Better UX Design

3 psychology tips for better UX Design

Imagine a situation in which you want to window-shop ATVs (All-Terrain Vehicles). You are quite sure of your budget, make and model. You decide to browse online and visit a few websites.

Suppose you visited the sites shown below:


                                arngren.net                                                                                          amazon.com

Which site would you prefer? Amazon right?

Why? Quite simple. Arngren.net is cluttered and unappealing. Maybe, it has good deals, but the navigation is a nightmare.

The first site causes information overload. In Amazon, however, there is proper categorization and additional options of filtering. This is simple cognitive psychology at play, a concept called cognitive load – a situation where a lot of memory capacity is used to make sense of the information presented, and this affects the user experience. Psychology is the study of behavior. So, it’s vital to understand human behavior when we create website designs, and aim for high utility and usability.

This blog covers three psychological concepts that can be applied to design UX better.

Hick’s Law

When a person has to make a decision, the greater the number of choices,
the more time it will take to decide.


How is Hick’s law applicable to UX design? It helps to estimate the time it would take to make a decision in an interface’s user menu.
Consumer takes more time to decide due to abundance of choices

Ambiguity due to abundance of choices

When users are overloaded with choices, they take more time to select. So, most firms now conduct A/B tests to understand the effect of too many choices on UX. Here’s a Medium article by Digital Product Designer, Kristof Orts on the UX and Hick’s Law connect.




Takeaway: Keep It Short and Simple. Don’t barrage users with choices and multitudes of decision. A clean UX demands that the user finds the whole experience unambiguous and effortless.

Form Fatigue

Suppose you are at the fag end of a call with a support executive, when you’re requested to fill a feedback form. You agree to it and upon clicking the link find a long form, consisting of 10 questions with 4 answer options each. How motivated will you be to complete the form? Since you aren’t going to reap any benefits out of it, and the task will consume much efforts and time on your part, you might not fill the form. This is because of Form Fatigue. The benefit accrued by filling the form is way lesser than the time taken to do it.


User experiencing Form Fatigue

            User experiencing Form Fatigue


Takeaway: Avoid lengthy forms. If the length cannot be altered, make it interesting. Here’s what designer Andrew Coyle suggests.


Selective Disregard

Have you heard of the term banner blindness? You too would have indulged in it, many times.

Banner blindness or banner noise is when users disregard irrelevant content on webpages. According to this study by Infolinks, 86% of consumers suffer from banner blindness. The users have seen so many ads, that now they just do not pay attention to the ads. They have cultivated selective disregard for these sections of the webpage. Read here on why banner ads are dead.

This behavior is not limited to banners. If the user has been doggedly using only one section of the webpage, then any change in any other section is not observed at all.

86% consumers suffer from banner blindness

Banner Blindness is a form of Selective Disregard

How do designers combat selective disregard? Have you seen sites, wherein a side pop-up ad would block the screen for a few seconds and would then slink away? This is an emphasis ploy of designers, which still annoys users. So what do you suggest then, you ask?

Takeaway: Do not over-emphasize. Limit design to show only the bare essentials. Use emphasis carefully and only when it is actually required.


To make UX a delight, it is important to understand how users think and what will make their journey on your application or website easier. Cognitive psychology is an important aspect to consider before starting with UX design. After all, technology is supposed to make human life easier.

Rio Olympics 2016

Stepout2Play: Time to ring in the Rio Olympics 2016!

The Olympic torch and the craze have been re-ignited after an interval of four years. This time it is the beautiful Brazilian city of Rio De Janeiro that is hosting the sporting mega event from 05 Aug to 21 Aug 2016. There are a record 207 countries participating in the Rio Olympics 2016. And the Indian delegation is at its strongest-ever, with a 100+ member team.

So, will India fulfill the dreams of a billion and own this Olympics?

We would like to find that out too!

Join us at Stepout2Play as we deep-dive into the world of Olympics and provide updates, medal tally and fun-facts every day!

Image Source - Unsplash

Native or Hybrid – Apptions to consider


The App-mania that began in 2008, has paved the way for a billion-dollar industry. While the app economy is pegged to reach $101 billion by 2020, this year it is projected to be around $50 billion. As of June 2016, there are over 4.5 million apps available for download. (Combined figure of number of apps available for Android and iOS users). With these numbers, it is apparent that apps are here to stay and they mean big business.

Native and Hybrid Apps

There are two main types of Apps – Native and Hybrid.

Hybrid App vs Native App

                         Hybrid App vs Native App

Here’s a quick 101:

Native apps – Apps that have been developed for use on a particular platform or device. Because native apps are written for a specific platform, they can interact with and take advantage of operating system features and other software typically installed on that platform, for example Camera, GPS, etc. Technologies used are Java for Android and Objective C/Swift for iOS. Example: Facebook (Here’s Why Facebook went Native)

Hybrid apps – Apps built mostly using cross-compatible web technologies, such as, HTML5, CSS and JS and then wrapped in a native application by frameworks such as Cordova and Ionic, which provide necessary hardware plugins, like Camera, push notifications, etc. Example – Amazon Appstore (Learn about Amazon’s penchant for Hybrid)


Which one to choose? Each side has its own evangelists, listing out their pros. But we give you a comparison that will help you to quickly grasp the key points. Here’s a info-graphic of the comparison!


Native vs Hybrid App


Tabular Comparison

Criteria Native Hybrid
Quick time to market

The time taken by the app to hit the market. While native apps require a long development period, hybrid apps are faster to build





External Dependency

If your app is dependent on phone components such as Camera, GPS, etc. then it is better to go for a Native app. Hybrid apps can be built with plugins to access these features, but there will always be an external dependency on third-party developers.




Dependent on 3rdparty plugins

Development & Training Efforts

Specialist developers on Java and Objective C to work on Native Apps. However, for Hybrid app, it would suffice for the developer to be aware of HTML5, CSS and JS.


High budget


Low budget

User Experience

Users report better experience on Native apps than Hybrid apps. Native allows developers to use standardized UI controls, which makes interfaces more natural to users.


Higher UX score


Lower UX score




Now that you have a fair idea, which side are you on? Team Native or Team Hybrid?

Stepout2Play: Asli Panga starts tomorrow!

Sports fever has gripped the country once again, and this time for a reason other than cricket. While we ‘bleed blue’ for cricket, it is apparent that other sports are fast gaining attention among Indians. The tremendous success of the Pro Kabaddi League stands testimony to this fact.

Now onto its fourth season, the league has captured the imagination of millions of spectators. Such is the reach, that this season will see 24 international players from 12 countries of the likes of South Korea, United Kingdom, Sri Lanka, Japan and more.

With the Pro Kabaddi League promos hitting TV screens, fans are geared for exciting showdowns in the much-awaited Season 4. Expectations are running high, courtesy the nail-biting moments and action-packed performances delivered in the previous seasons. The question on everybody’s mind is who will clinch the title this time? The champions, Patna Pirates, or the defending champions U Mumba? Or, is this the season of the underdog, Puneri Paltan?

Well, during Season 3, AgilizTech’s in-house oracle, Guddu, decided to stop wondering and start predicting! Guddu devised an analytical model that can foretell a match’s outcome solely on the basis of the teams’ past performances. Last season, 55% of the predictions came true! Now, Guddu is back with a new, improvised model to tell you who will most likely be this season’s superstars, for every match, every day!

Guddu’s predictions are available on our website http://sportsnews.stepout2play.com. Watch this space for Pro Kabaddi Season 4 daily match updates, season summary and more.

AgilizTech harnesses Neo4j technology for safer Social Media experience

Social Media has taken the world by storm, with around 2.3 billion active users. Facebook, the social media giant, alone witnesses a steady traffic of 1.09 billion users every single day! But did you know that out of these, a whopping 83 million are fake profiles?

While some of these fake accounts are used by crafty businesses for their marketing gimmicks, others use them for ‘special’ purposes. Many of us have been contacted through ‘Chats’ and ‘Pokes’ by at least one of these fake strangers. And sometimes these interactions morph into something serious. We are not talking about the social media love affairs that are glamourized by Bollywood. It is time to have a look at the darker side.

The Darker Side of Social Media
In this video, Coby Persin conducts social experiments using fake Facebook accounts on tweens and teenagers. Watch the victims throw caution to the winds, and meet strangers in unsupervised conditions! An instance closer home. A few months ago, Kusum Singal, 30, was found murdered at her flat in Bangalore. The culprit was her social media ‘buddy’, a man she befriended online and invited home. The man visited her, demanded money and when couldn’t have it, killed Kusum and robbed her house.

What is it that makes us believe in total strangers? What makes us invite such dangers into the sanctuary that is our home? A spirit of spontaneity and adventure maybe, which boomerangs on the unsuspecting. Can we do something to filter out this menace that lurks in our social accounts?

The answer is yes.

Predicting Social Personalities
We at AgilizTech proposed a way to sift out the fakes from the genuine. At Neo4j GraphGist’s Winter Challenge, our team (consisting of Shyamraj Sampath and Prabhu Raam) presented a unique resolution, using the Neo4j technology. A solution that allows behavioral pattern analysis of social media accounts. If an account displays suspicious characteristics (as depicted in the picture), it is brought under the scanner.

Identifying Predatory Tendencoes

Source: Creative Commons

Once the analysis is complete, a score is awarded to the profile, thus divulging the ‘friend’s’ real intentions. If the score is high, this fake profile is flagged and the concerned authorities are notified with a request to monitor and take suitable action. The idea received accolades from the panel of judges and was touted as a creative response.
You can learn more about this solution at the GraphGist site. The predatory tendency identification model is an evolving one, and there is definite scope for improvement. As new characteristics are uncovered every day, the model gets strengthened, thus tightening the hold over online predators. We are open to suggestions from the good Samaritans online and value contributions to make social media safer.

While social media gives us some great moments, it is vital to tread with caution. After all, ‘All that glitters is not gold’.

What do you think are some measures that can prevent such social media frauds?  We would like to hear from you in the Comments section.

College Summer Internship in AgilizTech

College Summer Internship in AgilizTech

It was a first and fruitful engagement with a team of 4 young and bright engineers from BLT Institute of Technology and Management, Bangalore in our College Summer Internship in AgilizTech.

In Jan 2016 the team Bhargav, Sanjay, Sophia and Pallavi approached AgilizTech  for their College Summer Internship to work on their final year project. They were given an opportunity to work with the Product & Mobile app team lead by Praburaam.

Soon they were onboarded into the team to develop the mobile app for our product “Pickles” an app to order from your table directly to kitchen. The team worked with the other developers Gowtham, Guddu and Niraj, and contributed to the code base for the app. They were able to adapt within the corporate environment.

Some of the highlights of their work were integrating the QR code scanning and One Time Password (OTP) generation and validation. Now they have completed their project work assigned and submitted their final project documentation to the college.

It really feels great to support and guide these young and bright minds for their career – CEO Ganesh Babu

We at AgilizTech are hopefully to support more students from colleges towards their career growth.

AgilizTech Wins Future of India Award

AgilizTech wins the Future of India Award for Business Excellence in Technical Implementation & Delivery – On 30th April 2016, Lalit Ashok Hotel, Bangalore conducted by 1000 Petals. Future of India Awards, organized by 1000 Petals, is an event to recognize and honor entrepreneurs who have scripted an inspiring success story in their respective fields and have revolutionized the way business is done in India.

It was a proud moment for the company to have been recognized in the entrepreneurs’ community and the awards focused on entrepreneurs.

AgilizTech Wins - Future of India Award

This is a very huge achievement for our company and it wouldn’t be possible without our employees. Their hardwork and dedication which they showcase on a daily basis to constantly deliver on our projects keeping our key principles of Agility, On Time Delivery, Customer Experience and Quality in their day to day work. – CEO Ganesh Babu Vasantha Rajan

Many more achievements and recognitions to come in future.

Happy Republic Day from AgilizTech

67 years have passed since the Constitution of India came into force, India faced numerous challenges from within and outside. Yet with each such challenges, we emerged as a stronger and a much more mature nation, making our country a sovereign, secular, and democratic republic. Such an event should be celebrated with pride, honor and with the up-most enthusiasm.

Chennai Floods – Relief Work

From our Office AgilizTech , we collected funds for relief work in Chennai. Bought few essential items like Milk, Water Bottles, Medical supplies. Coordinated with Raji Rajan and her team via our common friend Sapna S Shetty to send these items to Chennai in a truck from Madiwala, Bangalore . Big thanks to them for doing this relief work and also to our employees who came forward to help folks in Chennai.‪#‎chennaineedsyou‬ ‪#‎chennairainshelp‬

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Neo4j – GraphAware TimeTree Server Mode Installation Issue – Fixed

Our Team have been working on Neo4j – GraphDB for our product Stepout2Play.com (yet to be upgraded to use Neo4j) have gained extensive knowledge in actively using it. So we had decided share some of our learning thru our blog posts. Hope you will like it.

In stepout2play we have very extensive use of date functionality to search events, latest news, latest updates in the academies, etc., As there is no Date datatype support in Neo4J we chose to use the GraphAware TimeTree plugin to solve our problem. Which can help traverse the date and time in the form of graph itself, like below


As per the documentation we have to just download the Graphaware Neo4j framework and TimeTree plugin from here http://graphaware.com/products/ and drop into the NEO4j_HOME/plugins directory, then a restart of the neo4j should work. But it didn’t.

We were stumped and after a long struggle we found this discussion thread


which suggested to use the ZIP file installation for windows instead of EXE file installation. This fixed the issue and we were able to use the TimeTree functionality then on.

More posts to follow in our Next Neo4j posts. Keep watching this space.


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