Simplified Load Balancer Setup: A Step-by-step Guide for Amazon Application Load Balancer

Amazon Application Load Balancer Creation: Procedures

Creating Amazon Application Load Balancer


The Amazon Application Load Balancer operates at the application layer, which corresponds to the seventh layer of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model. Upon receiving a request, the load balancer assesses the listener rules in a hierarchical order to identify the appropriate rule to apply. Subsequently, it chooses a target from the target group associated with the rule’s action.

To create an Amazon application load balancer

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console.
  2. In the Find Services box, type EC2 and choose EC2 from the results.
  3. In the left pane, under Load Balancing, choose Load Balancers.

The Load Balancers pane appears.

  1. Click Create load balancer.

The Load balancer types pane appears.

  1. Under Application Load Balancer, click Create.

The Create Application Load Balancer pane appears.

Creating Amazon Application Load Balancer

  1. Under Basic configuration, do the following:
    1. In the Load balancer name box, enter a name for the load balancer.
    2. For Scheme, click Internet-facing.
    3. For IP address type, click IPv4.
  2. Under Network mapping, do the following:
    1. In the VPC list, choose the virtual private cloud for the targets.
    2. For Mappings, select the checkbox for the availability zones. You can select one subnet per availability zone.
  3. Under Security groups, in the Security groups list, choose a security group or create one.
  4. Under Listeners and routing, do the following:
    1. Under Listener HTTP:80, in the Default action list, choose a target group or click Create target group to create a new target group.
    2. Click Add listener tag (optional) to add a tag.
    3. To add another Listener, click Add listener.
  5. For AWS Global Accelerator (optional), select the checkbox to create an accelerator and associate the load balancer with the accelerator.
  6. Under Load balancer tags (optional), choose Add tag, and enter the key and value.
  7. Review the configuration details under Summary and click Create load balancer.

Creating Amazon Application Load Balancer

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Step-by-step Tutorial: Creating Target Groups for Seamless Request Routing

Creating Target Group: Step-by-step Guide

Creating Target Group in AWS Console


In AWS, a target group serves the purpose of routing requests toward one or more registered targets. You can specify a target group for its default action upon creating a listener. The traffic is then directed to the target group specified in the listener rule. Creating multiple target groups tailored to different types of requests is possible. For instance, you can create a target group specifically for general requests, and create separate target groups to handle requests directed towards the microservices within your application.

To create Target Group in AWS Console

  1. Sign in to the AWS account.
  2. In the Find Services box, type EC2 and choose EC2 from the results.
  3. In the right pane, under LOAD BALANCING, choose Target Groups.

The Target groups pane appears.

  1. Choose Create target group.

The Create target group pane appears.

Creating Target Group

  1. Under Basic configuration, do the following:
    1. For Choose a target type, click
    2. In the Target group name box, enter a name for the target group.
    3. For Protocol list, choose the required protocol.
    4. In the Port list, change the default value as required.
    5. For IP address type, click IPv4 or IPv6.
    6. In the VPC list, choose the virtual private cloud (VPC) with the targets to register.
  2. Under Health checks, modify the default settings as needed.
  3. Under Tags – optional, expand Tags, choose Add a tag, and type a tag key and a tag value.
  4. Choose Next.

The Register targets pane appears.

  1. In the Register targets pane, choose the instances, enter the ports, and choose Include as pending below.
  2. Choose Create target group.

The newly created Target group appears in the Target groups pane.

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AMI Creation Simplified: A Step-by-Step Guide for Creating Amazon Machine Images

Creating Amazon Machine Image: Procedures Guide

Creating Amazon Machine Image (AMI) in AWS Console


An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is a pre-configured and maintained image offered by AWS, containing all the necessary information to initiate an instance launch. When launching an instance, it is essential to specify an AMI. Creating Amazon Machine Images helps you create multiple instances with identical configurations, you can launch them from a single AMI. Conversely, you can utilize different AMIs to initiate their launch if you require instances with diverse configurations.

To create Amazon Machine Image

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console.
  2. In the Find Services box, type EC2 and choose EC2 from the results.
  3. In the left pane, under Instances, click Instances.

The EC2 instances dashboard appears.

Creating Amazon Machine Image

  1. Choose the Instance to create the AMI, choose->Actions->Image and templates->Create image.

The Create image pane appears.

  1. In the Image name box, enter a name for the image.
  2. In the Image description – optional box, enter a brief description of the image.
  3. For No reboot, keep the default value (Enable checkbox cleared).
  4. Under the Instance volumes, do the following:
    1. In the Size box, enter the size of the volume.
    2. For Delete on termination, select the Enable
    3. To add another volume, click Add volume.
    4. Under Tags – optional, click Tag image and snapshots together.
  5. Click Create image.

Creating Amazon Machine Image

The new AMI appears in the Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) pane.

Note: The creation of the AMI could take a few minutes. It will appear in AWS Explorer’s AMIs view as soon as it is produced. The AMI may initially show in a pending state but changes to an available state after a brief interval.

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Simplified Walkthrough: Launching Amazon EC2 Instances in the AWS Console

Launching Amazon EC2 Instance: Step-by-step Guide

Launching Amazon EC2 Instance in AWS Console


Amazon EC2 offers a diverse set of instance types that are tailored to certain use cases. Instance types are different combinations of CPU, memory, storage, and networking capabilities that allow you to pick the best mix of resources for your applications. Each instance type comes with one or more instance sizes, allowing you to scale your resources to meet the needs of your intended workload. Refer to the steps below for launching an Amazon EC2 Instance.

To launch Amazon EC2 Instance

  1. Sign in to AWS Management Console.
  2. In the Find Services box, type EC2 and choose EC2 from the results.
  3. In the left pane, under Instances, choose Instances.

The EC2 instances dashboard appears.

  1. Choose Launch instances.

The Launch an instance pane appears.

Launching Amazon EC2 Instance

  1. Under Name and tags, type a name and tag details.
  2. Under Application and OS Images (Amazon Machine Image), in Quick Start tab choose the required Image. For example, Red Hat.
  3. Click 64-bit (Arm) and then click Select.
  4. In the AMI from catalog tab, click Free tier eligible.
  5. In the Instance type list, choose the instance type.
  6. In the Key pair (login) list, choose a key pair name.

To create a new key pair, click Create new key pair.

The Create key pair page appears. Type a name for the key pair, choose key pair type and private key file format and then click Create key pair.

  1. Under Network settings, do the following:
    1. In the VPC required list box, choose the required VPC.
    2. In the Subnet list box, choose the required subnet or create one by clicking Create new subnet.
    3. In the Auto-assign public IP list, choose Disable.
    4. For Firewall (security groups), click Select existing security group.
    5. In the Common security groups list, choose security groups.
  2. Under Configuration storage, add the required number of volumes.
  3. Under Summary, in the Number of instances box, enter the number of instances to launch.
  4. Review the instance details and click Launch instance.

Launching Amazon EC2 Instance

The Instance is created and appears in the EC2 dashboard.

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Creating Amazon EBS Volume

Creating Amazon EBS Volume: Step-by-step Guide

Creating Amazon EBS Volume in AWS Console


An Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volume serves as a long-lasting storage device at the block level, capable of being connected to your instances. Once attached, this volume functions similarly to a physical hard drive, providing you with versatile storage capabilities. With EBS volumes, flexibility is key. For modern volumes attached to contemporary instance types, you have the ability to seamlessly expand the size, adjust the provisioned IOPS capacity, and even alter the volume type of live production volumes. Follow the steps below to learn about creating Amazon EBS Volume.

To create Amazon EBS volume

  1. Sign in to AWS Management Console.
  2. In the Find Services box, type EC2 and choose EC2 from the results.
  3. In the left pane, under Elastic Block Store, click Volumes.

The Volumes pane appears.

  1. Click Create volume.

The Create volume pane appears.

Creating Amazon EBS Volume

  1. Under Volume settings, do the following:
    1. In the Volume type list, choose required volume type.
    2. In the Size box, enter the size of the volume.
    3. In the IOPS box, enter the maximum number of input or output operations per second.
    4. For the Throughput (MiB/s), go with the default value.
    5. In the Availability Zone list, choose the required availability zone.
    6. In the Snapshot ID list, choose Don’t create volume from a snapshot.
    7. To encrypt the volume, select Encrypt this volume
  2. Under Tags – optional, click Add tag to assign customized tags to the volume.
  3. Click Create volume.

Creating Amazon EBS Volume

The newly created blank volume appears in the Volumes pane.

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Creating Azure Active Directory: Simplifying Identity Management in the Cloud

Creating Azure Active Directory: Step-by-step Guide

Creating Azure Active Directory

This section provides step-by-step instructions for creating Azure Active Directory.

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is a vital cloud-based service for managing identity and access. Through Azure AD, your employees gain convenient access to external resources like Microsoft 365, the Azure portal, and an extensive array of SaaS applications. Additionally, Azure Active Directory facilitates access to internal resources, including corporate intranet applications and cloud apps developed specifically for your organization’s needs.

To create an Azure Active Directory

  1. Sign in to the Azure Portal.
  2. In the Search box, search for Azure Active Directory and select Azure Active Directory from the results. The Default Directory pane appears.
  3. On the top menu, select +Create a tenant. The Create tenant pane appears.

Creating Azure Active Directory


You can select the tenant type Azure Active Directory or Azure Active Directory (B2C).

Under Tenant type, for Select a tenant type, choose the Azure Active Directory option.


You can use the Configuration pane to add an organization name, domain name and choose country or region.

  1. Under Directory details, do the following.
    1. In the Organization name list, type your organization name.
    2. In the Initial domain name list, type an initial domain name.
    3. In the Location list, choose your location.
  2. Choose Next : Review + create >.

The Review + create pane appears.

Review + create

Once the validation is passed, click Create.

Creating Azure Active Directory - Validation Passed

The newly created Tenant appears in the Switch tenant pane.

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Creating Azure Application Gateway: Optimizing Web Traffic Management

How to Create Azure Application Gateway

Creating an Azure Application Gateway

The Azure Application Gateway is a load balancer designed to manage web traffic directed toward your web applications. It enables routing decisions using various attributes of an HTTP request, such as URI path or host headers. With Application Gateway, you have the power to efficiently handle and control the flow of traffic to your web applications.

To create an Azure Application Gateway

  1. Sign in to the Azure Portal account where VM needs to be created.
    The Azure Portal Home pane appears.
  2. Under Azure Services, click Create a Resource.
    The Create a resource pane appears.
  3. In the Search box, search for Application gateway and choose Application gateway from the results. The Create application gateway pane appears.

Create an Azure Application Gateway


You can use Basics pane to add project details, instance details, create administrator account, and Inbound port rules.

  1. Under Project details, do the following:
    1. In the Subscription list, choose the required subscription.
    2. In the Resource group list, choose the required resource group.
      If you do not have one, click Create new, enter the name, and click OK.
  2. Under Instance details, do the following:
    1. In the Application gateway name box, type a name.
    2. In the Region list, choose the required region.
    3. In the Tier list, choose the required tier.
    4. For Enable autoscaling, choose the Yes option.
    5. In the Minimum instance count and Maximum instance count boxes, enter the required numbers.
    6. In the Availability zone list, choose the required zone.
    7. For HTTP2, choose Disabled option.
  3. Under Configure virtual network, do the following:
    1. In the Virtual network list, choose the required virtual network.
    2. In the Subnet list, choose the default subnet.
  4. Click Next : Frontends >. The Frontends pane appears.


You can use Frontends pane to configure Public, Private or Both IP addresses.

To configure frontends

  1. For Frontend IP address type, choose Public option.
  2. In the Public IP address list, choose a public IP address.
  3. Click Next : Backends >. The Networking pane appears.


You can use Backends pane to define the backend servers or virtual machines that will receive traffic. You can add multiple backend servers for load balancing purposes.

To add a backend pool

  1. In the Backends pane, choose Add a backend pool. The Add a backend pool pane appears.
  2. In the Name box, type a name for the backend pool.
  3. For Add backend pool without targets, choose Yes and then choose Add. The added backend pool appears in the Backends pane.
  4. Click Next : Configuration >.
    The Configuration pane appears.


You can use Configuration pane to create routing rules that link the frontends and backends.

To configure a routing rule

  1. Under Routing rules, choose Add a routing rule. The Add a routing rule pane appears.
  2. In the Rule name box, type a rule name.
  3. In the Priority box, type a priority number. You can choose between 1 and 20000 where 1 represents the highest priority.
  4. In the Listeners tab, do the following:
    1. In the Listeners name box, type a name.
    2. In the Frontend IP list, choose Public.
    3. For Protocol, choose HTTP option.
    4. Under Additional settings, go with default.
  5. In the Backend targets tab, do the following:
    1. For the Target type, choose Backend pool option.
    2. In the Backend target list, choose the backend pool created earlier.
    3. For Backend settings, choose Add new. The Add Backend settings pane appears.
    4. In the Backend settings name box, type a name.
    5. In the Backend port box, type 80.
    6. Accept default values for all other settings and then choose Add. The Configuration pane appears.
  6. Click Next : Tags >.
    The Tags pane appears.


  1. Enter a name for the tag in the Name box.
  2. In the Value box, enter a value.
  3. Click Next : Review + create >. The Review + create pane appears.

Review + create

  1. Once the validation is passed, review the Application gateway details and click Create.

Create application gateway-Validation passed

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Storing and Managing Data: Creating a Blob Container in Azure Portal

How to Create Azure Blob Storage

Azure Blob Storage: Quickstart Guide

This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to create Azure Blob storage in the Azure portal. Azure Blob Storage, a reliable and secure cloud-based service offered by Microsoft, is a superior solution for storing a wide variety of objects. With its advanced capabilities, it can effectively manage vast amounts of unstructured data, including binary and text data. Users can confidently store and easily manage their data using Azure Blob Storage without having to stress about the complexities of data management.

To create Azure blob Storage 

Creating a Blob Container in the Storage Account

  1. Sign in to the Azure Portal.
  2. In the Search box, search for Storage account.
  3. Choose the storage account that you created.
  4. In the left pane, under Data storage, click containers. The Containers pane appears.
  5. Click + Container. The New container blade appears.
  6. In the Name box, type a name for the container.
  7. In the Public access level list box, choose Private (no anonymous access) and then click Create.

The container you created appears in the list of containers.

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Connecting Your Networks with Azure VPN Gateway: Step-by-Step Guide

Creating Azure VPN Gateway: Step-by-step Guide

Creating an Azure VPN Gateway

The Azure VPN (Virtual private network) Gateway is a service that utilizes a distinct form of virtual network gateway to transmit encrypted traffic between an Azure virtual network and on-premises locations through the public Internet. One can utilize VPN Gateway for sending encrypted traffic between Azure virtual networks through the Microsoft network. This article provides step-by-step instructions on creating Azure VPN gateway.

To create an Azure VPN gateway

  1. Sign in to the Azure Portal.
  2. In the Search box, search for Virtual network gateway.

The Virtual network gateway pane appears.

  1. Under Virtual network gateway, click Create.

The Create virtual network gateway pane appears.

Creating Azure VPN Gateway


You can use the Basics pane to configure Project details and instance details.

  1. Under Project details, do the following.
    1. In the Subscriptions list, choose the subscription.
  2. Under Instance details list, do the following.
    1. In the Name box, type a name for the VPN gateway.
    2. In the Region list, choose a region.
    3. For Gateway type options, click VPN.
    4. For VPN type options, click Route-based.
    5. In the SKU list, choose the required SKU.
    6. In the Generation list, choose the required generation.
    7. In the Virtual network list, choose the required virtual network.
    8. In the Gateway subnet address range list, choose the required subnet address.
  3. Under Public IP address, do the following:
    1. For the Public IP address, choose Create new
    2. In the Public IP address box, enter a public IP address name.
    3. In the Availability zone list, choose the required zone.
    4. For Enable active-active mode, choose Enabled
  4. Under Second public IP address, do the following:
    1. For the Public IP address, choose Create new
    2. In the Public IP address box, enter a public IP address name.
    3. In the Availability zone list, choose the required zone.
    4. For Configure BGP, choose Disabled
  5. Click Next : Tags >.

The Tags pane appears.


  1. In the Name and Value boxes, enter the name and value.
  2. Click Next : Review + create >.

The Review + create pane appears.

Review + create

Once the validation is passed, click Create.

The newly created Virtual network gateway appears in Virtual network gateway pane.

Creating Azure VPN Gateway

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Creating a Secure Azure SQL Database: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

How to Create an Azure SQL Database

Creating SQL Database

This section provides step-by-step instructions on how to create an Azure SQL database.

Azure SQL Database is a comprehensive platform as a service (PaaS) database engine that takes care of various database management functions, including upgrading, patching, backups, and monitoring, without requiring user intervention. It operates on the latest stable version of the SQL Server database engine and patched OS, ensuring 99.99% availability at all times.

To create an Azure SQL database

  1. Sign in to the Azure Portal.
  2. In the Search box, search for SQL database. The SQL databases pane appears.
  3. Under SQL databases, click Create.

The Create SQL database pane appears.

Azure SQL Database Server


You can use the Basics pane to create SQL database with your preferred configurations.

To configure basics

  1. Under Project details, do the following:
    1. In the Subscription list, choose the required subscription.
    2. In the Resource group list, choose the required resource group.
    3. If you do not have one, click Create new, enter the name, and click OK.
  2. Under Database details, do the following:
    1. In the Database name box, type database name.
    2. In the Server list, click Create new.

The Create SQL Database server pane appears.

  1. Under Server details, in the Server name box, type a server name.
  2. In the Location list, choose the default location.
  3. Under Authentication, for Authentication method option, choose the required authentication.
  4. Click OK.
  5. The Create SQL Database – Basics pane appears.
  6. Under Backup storage redundancy, click the required option.
  7. Click Next : Networking >.

The Networking pane appears.


You can use the Networking pane to configure network connection and connection policy.

To configure Networking

  1. Under Network connectivity, click the required connectivity method.
  2. Under Connection policy, click required policy.
  3. Under Encrypted connections, in the Minimum TLS version list, choose the required TLS version.
  4. Click Next : Security >.

The Security pane appears.


You can use the Security pane to configure the following:

To configure Security

  1. Choose the required options in the Security
    1. Microsoft Defender for SQL: Whether to enable Microsoft defender for SQL.
    2. Ledger: Allows you to configure ledger.
    3. Identity: Allows you to configure identities.
    4. Transparent data encryption: Allows you to configure transparent data encryption.
  2. Click Next : Additional settings.

The Additional settings pane appears.

Additional settings

You can use the Additional settings pane to configure parameters including database collation and maintenance window.

To configure additional settings

  1. Choose the required options or continue with the default values.
  2. Click Next : Tags>.

The Tags pane appears.


To create tags

  1. In the Name box, enter a name for the tag.
  2. In the Value box, enter a value.
  3. Choose the number of resources from the Resource.
  4. Click Next : Review + create >.

The Review + create pane appears.

Review + create

Review all the SQL database configuration details and create.

  1. Review the details of the SQL database configuration and then click Create.

The newly created SQL database appears in the SQL databases pane.

Create SQL Database

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